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PTaaS (Penetration Testing as a Service) Market Pricing

In the rapidly evolving world of cybersecurity, Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) has become a vital strategy for businesses seeking to fortify their defenses against cyber threats. PTaaS offers a systematic approach to testing the vulnerabilities of IT infrastructures using a continuous and service-oriented model. However, navigating the pricing landscape of PTaaS can be challenging. This blog aims to demystify the pricing structures typically associated with PTaaS and help organizations make informed decisions when selecting a provider.

Why do security metrics matter?

here’s a question every application security leader should be prepared to answer:

What benefits are we receiving from our investments in our application security initiatives?

This question is complex because there are numerous strategies a security or engineering leader might choose to implement within their application security controls. For instance, in the realm of application security testing, options range from automated vulnerability scanners and security consultants to bug bounties and crowdsourced penetration testing.

While security consultants play a role in both Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) and traditional penetration testing, each method presents distinct costs and advantages. Factors to consider in evaluating the Return on Investment (ROI) include:

  • Costs of penetration testing
  • Time staff spends on vulnerability triage
  • Time required to reproduce and validate vulnerabilities
  • Time spent managing penetration testers
  • Duration of the testing sessions

Factors Influencing PTaaS Pricing

  1. Scope of Testing
    • The extent of the penetration testing directly impacts pricing. A larger scope, such as testing multiple applications or a wider network, requires more resources and thus incurs higher costs.
  2. Frequency of Tests
    • PTaaS providers typically offer different pricing tiers based on the frequency of tests. Continuous testing services are priced higher than those conducted on a quarterly or biannual basis.
  3. Depth of Testing
    • The complexity of the testing procedures also affects the cost. In-depth tests that include manual exploitation and deep-dive into security vulnerabilities will be more costly than basic automated scans.
  4. Expertise and Tools Used
    • The expertise of the cybersecurity professionals involved and the sophistication of the testing tools contribute to the pricing. High-end services utilizing top-tier talent and advanced tools command premium prices.
  5. Customization and Integration
    • Customized testing solutions tailored to specific organizational needs can also lead to variations in pricing. The integration of PTaaS with existing security systems may require additional setup and maintenance, impacting costs.

Typical Cost Structures for PTaaS

  1. Subscription-Based Pricing
    • Many PTaaS providers adopt a subscription model where clients pay a monthly or annual fee. This model usually includes a set number of tests per year and can range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars annually.
  2. Per-Test Pricing
    • Some services might offer per-test pricing, which allows organizations to pay for individual penetration tests. This can be a cost-effective option for smaller companies or those requiring infrequent testing.
  3. Custom Pricing Models
    • For large enterprises or those with complex needs, PTaaS providers may offer custom pricing. This often involves detailed consultations to define the scope and requirements, followed by a tailored pricing proposal.

At Vuln Voyager we tend to focus on a per test basis, we find this is the easiest way to approach testing and keep pricing affordable for SMEs, and SMBs who are looking for more than checking a box on their compliance checklist without paying a fortune to get this done.

Tips for Selecting a PTaaS Provider Based on Pricing

  1. Assess Your Security Needs
    • Clearly define what you need in terms of penetration testing to avoid paying for unnecessary services. Consider factors such as your industry, compliance requirements, and existing security posture.
  2. Compare Different Providers
    • Look at several PTaaS providers to compare their services, pricing models, and value propositions. Don’t just go for the cheapest option; consider the depth and quality of the service.
  3. Check for Hidden Costs
    • Be aware of any additional fees, such as setup fees, cancellation fees, or charges for overages. Ensure these costs are clear before committing to a service.
  4. Read Reviews and Case Studies
    • Reviews from other customers can provide insights into the reliability and effectiveness of a PTaaS provider. Case studies demonstrate how the service works in real-world scenarios and can also highlight any potential cost benefits.

Getting into Pricing

Benchmark Market Cost: $5,000 – $100,000

Penetration Testing is not cheap that is for sure. It is a very labor-intensive process and includes very particular skills to test. These complex engagements utilize multiple resources and, depending on the organization’s goals, can run for months, including multiple intrusion attempts. The scope of a pentest can drastically change the pricing.

Vuln Voyagers Pricing:

Standard PTaaS Packages Pricing

Small businesses, which often suffer disproportionately from data breaches, are increasingly seeking penetration tests. More providers are entering the market to offer these assessments, which tend to be affordable and focused. Whether they operate e-commerce platforms, mobile apps, or physical stores, small businesses are utilizing pen tests more frequently to secure their external attack surfaces and minimize security risks. This is why vuln voyager charges starting pricing of $3,000 USD for Unauthenticated External Assessments and $5,000 USD for Authenticated Full Scope Assessments

Application Penetration Testing Packages

APIs, Mobile, and Web Applications are often tested using a white-box approach. The cost of penetration testing for these are primarily influenced by several factors: the number of user roles and permissions, the quantity of dynamic pages that accept input, the number of API/Web Application endpoints, and the presence of a Mobile version of the app. Vuln Voyager charges $7,000-32,000 USD depending on the scope.

Network Penetration Testing Packages

Although a combined internal and external network penetration test is considered the gold standard, it’s not always necessary to test the entire environment. The cost of this type of test can vary greatly due to the broad range of resources that may be included in the test scope. Luckily, the scope can be adjusted in consultation with your testing vendor, offering significant potential for cost savings. Vuln Voyager charges per IP and can cost between $7,000-50,000 USD.

Vulnerability Assessments Packages

Although a vulnerability assessment is drastically different from a penetration test, in the case that a small business cannot afford a penetration test, or they would like to see their vulnerability posture a vulnerability scan can be a great start and Vuln Voyager only charges $200 USD per scan.


Grasping the pricing dynamics of Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) is essential for effective budget management and strategic planning in cybersecurity. By comprehending the factors that influence PTaaS pricing and familiarizing themselves with common cost frameworks, organizations can make more informed decisions when selecting a provider. This knowledge ensures that they choose a service that delivers optimal value, tailored to their specific security requirements.

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