Secure your clients with Vuln Voyager

Partner with Vuln Voyager

Vuln Voyager equips a broad array of channel partners with the capability to offer offensive security services, facilitated by cutting-edge innovations.

780+ Pentest reports delivered by our team

Why partner with Vuln Voyager?

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Enhance Your Service Portfolio

Set your business apart from competitors and showcase your dedication to the sustained availability of your products and services by incorporating resilience services that add value.

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Extend Your Market Influence

Amplify your business reach by leveraging our specialized penetration testing services. With Vuln Voyager PTaaS, you can tap into new market segments, ensuring your products are secure and trusted by a wider audience

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Boost Revenue Generation

Joining the Vuln Voyager Partner Network allows Software Vendors to establish a new recurring revenue stream by offering complementary Penetration Testing and Security Assessment solutions to your customers.

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Resolve Client Continuity Worries

Our services empower your customers to establish and validate software continuity strategies, adhere to outsourcing regulations, and enhance operational robustness. This instills confidence in them to utilize your products and services.

Businesses We Collaborate With

Our Partner Program is structured to foster enduring partnerships with organizations that aim to offer their customers top-tier security solutions. We support our partners in reaching their objectives through customized service, practical training, and resource-rich enablement tools. Partners of Vuln Voyager can promptly start providing significant value to their customers, paving the way for a sustainable long-term business flow.

Software Vendors

Equip your clientele with the assurance of business continuity and adherence to regulatory compliance through Vuln Voyager's comprehensive resilience services, escrow knowledge, educational resources, and marketing support.

Value-Added Resellers

Unlock a lucrative revenue opportunity by integrating Vuln Voyager's Software Resilience services into your existing offerings, enhancing your client portfolio.

Legal Firms

Defend your clients' intellectual property rights with the leading software resilience services provided by Vuln Voyager, leveraging our referral system to offer unmatched protection.

Managed Service Providers

Boost your capability to safeguard your clients' operational environments against supply chain disruptions with Vuln Voyager's escrow solutions, adding an essential layer of resilience to their software infrastructure.

System Integrators

Access industry-leading escrow services through Vuln Voyager and fortify the resilience of your customers' digital ecosystems, ensuring uninterrupted application performance.

We excel in penetration testing and security solutions centered on compliance, aligning with key regulatory standards like SOC 2, ISO, and beyond. Our seasoned professionals guarantee your security protocols stand unmatched.
ISO 27001

A globally recognized standard for information security management, ensuring data protection and risk management best practices.


Comprehensive evaluation ensuring regulatory adherence and identifying security vulnerabilities, fortifying your digital defenses.


A benchmark for web application security, offering detailed guidelines to ensure robust protection against modern cyber threats.


A stringent standard safeguarding payment card data, ensuring secure transactions and protecting businesses from financial cyber threats.

AWS Cloud Security

Amazon's robust framework for safeguarding cloud-based assets, ensuring data integrity, privacy, and resilience against threats.

Web Application Security

Essential protocols and practices to shield web apps from threats, ensuring user data protection and uninterrupted service delivery.

Active Directory and LDAP

Core systems for identity management, ensuring secure user authentication, access control, and streamlined organizational ops.

Mobile Application Security

Strategies and tools to protect mobile apps from threats, ensuring user data safety and maintaining app integrity.

Network Security

A multi-layered defense strategy safeguarding data, devices, and infrastructure from threats, ensuring uninterrupted and safe connectivity.

API Security

Essential measures to protect application interfaces from breaches, ensuring data integrity, privacy, and seamless app-to-app communication.

Server and Architecture Security

Robust safeguards for server ecosystems, ensuring data protection, system uptime, and resilient infrastructure design.

Thick/Thin Client Security

Tailored defenses for both robust desktops and lightweight terminals, ensuring user data safety and system integrity.

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