Cracking the Code: ATM Security Under Scrutiny

ATM Penetesting

Set sail with VULN VOYAGER, your trusted partner in cybersecurity exploration. Our expert team navigates the intricate landscape of ATM systems, uncovering hidden security issues and vulnerabilities that could compromise your organization's assets. With meticulous analysis and industry-leading techniques, we provide actionable recommendations tailored to fortify your security posture and ensure peace of mind. Join us on this voyage towards enhanced security resilience and safeguard your critical infrastructure with confidence.

Strengthening ATM Security

Undergoing a penetration test for your ATM applications gauges security incident impacts and control effectiveness. It uncovers vulnerabilities, tests exploits, and assesses defenses to strengthen protection and risk mitigation.
Exploring the Benefits of ATM Penetration Testing

What does Vuln Voyager test for?

ATM penetration testing is a comprehensive assessment methodology designed to evaluate the security of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). It involves simulating real-world attack scenarios to identify vulnerabilities in ATM systems, software, and configurations that could be exploited by malicious actors. During an ATM penetration test, skilled cybersecurity professionals mimic the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of potential attackers to uncover weaknesses in the ATM infrastructure.

  • Thick client applications
  • Hard drive encryption
  • Kiosk escape
  • Peripheral security
  • Secure memory configuration
  • Breach and Attack Simulation
  • Access to sensitive data and critical systems
  • Physical security controls
  • Peripheral firmware
  • Sensitive information storage

Where to look during the security audit

The configuration audit focuses on fortifying the operating system, commonly Windows, utilized in ATMs. Strengthening it in accordance with security best practices is crucial to minimize vulnerabilities exploitable by attackers. Key areas for examination during the configuration audit include:

  • Patches and Update
  • File system security
  • System access and authentication
  • Auditing and logging
  • Account configuration
Exploring Comprehensive Security Strategies for Enhanced Resilience

Pentesting Security Solutions

During our ATM penetration testing service, Vuln Voyager meticulously examines to detect security weaknesses. Our actionable insights aid in correcting these issues, thus bolstering your organization's defensive stance in application security.

Card image cap
Test cases related to access the OS and related file

Card image cap
Test related to runtime code authorization

Card image cap
Test related to code protection

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Reduce the attack surface for the attacker

In the realm of ATM security, minimizing vulnerabilities is paramount. By strategically narrowing the attack surface, we fortify defenses against potential threats. Our approach involves meticulous configuration audits, ensuring that the Windows OS adheres to stringent security best practices. Through this proactive measure, we strive to safeguard ATM systems from exploitation and bolster overall security posture.

Protection against physical attacks:

  • Detection and protection against Card skimming.
  • Detection and protection against card/ cash trapping.
  • Detection against keypad tampering.
  • Mirror and pin shield to identify and prevent shoulder surfing attack.
  • Lock protection again unauthorized access to banknotes or bills.
  • Electric power point and network point protection.
  • Disabling unused network and electric port.
  • The ATM must be grouted on the floor to secure against threats related to the robbery
  • ATM can be implemented with shock sensor to identify the impact and movement of ATM machine.

Protection against logical attacks:

  • Protection against unauthorized booting by setting non-guessable boot and BIOS password. Most of ATM have default boot password configured.
  • Protection against USB and unauthorized hard disk access.
  • OS hardening and latest patch.
  • Whitelisting the application, services, and process on ATM.
  • Running ATM with least privilege user. Need to know and need to have approach.
  • File integrity checks.
  • Securing the transaction logs.
  • Use of secure channel for the communication and transaction.
  • Configure security best practices in ATM application.
  • Protection against Malware like tyupkin, ploutus, etc.

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